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Monster Hunter 4 Frozen Sea

Saturday 2 November 2013

Monster Hunter 4 Frozen Sea
Name: Frozen Sea
Number of Area's: 9
Condition's: Freezing Water
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Altaroth, Bnahabra, Popo, Kunchuu, Sukuagiru.
Big Monster's: Deviljho, Khezu, Kushala Daora, Lagombi, Red Khezu, Stygian Zinogre, Tetsukabura, Tigrex, Zaboazagiru.
Generation: Fourth

The Frozen Sea is a polar area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. This map is set along an Arctic coastline, where the glacial ice sheets meet the freezing sea. This area is inhabited by a wide variety of monster types, including Lagombi, Kushala Daora, and Zaboazagiru. A massive whirlpool can be seen in the ocean not far from the coast.


Monster Hunter 4 Frozen Sea 1

 Monster Hunter 4 Frozen Sea 2

Monster Hunter 4 Frozen Sea 3 


Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave
Name: Underground Cave
Number of Area's: 10
Condition's: Unknown
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Kelbi, Aptonoth, Rhenoplos, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Genprey, Jaggi, Jaggia, Conga.
Big Monster's: Aruserutasu, Nerusukyura, Tetsukabura, Kechawacha, Congalala, Emerald Congalala, Gendrome, Gypceros, Purple Gypceros, Khezu, Red Khezu, Pink Rathian, Deviljho, Stygian Zinogre, Garara Ajara.
Generation: Fourth

The Underground Cave is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It is a large, subterranean cave system that features lakes of green fluids and giant cobwebs,connected to a dormant volcano. When the volcano in the area becomes active and erupts, it'll cover the area in lava and change this area to the Underground Volcano. This area is home to many monsters which are suited to life in a dark, wet environment, such as  Khezu, Gypceros, Nerusukyura, and Tetsukabura.


Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave 1

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave 2

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave 3

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave 4

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Cave 5

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Primeval Forest

Monster Hunter 4 Primeval Forest
Name: Primeval Forest
Number of Area's: 10
Condition's: Poisonous Puddle
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Kelbi, Slagtoth, Kunchuu, Altaroth, Conga, Genprey, Ioprey.
Big Monster's: Aruserutasu, Generu Serutasu, Nerusukyura, Congalala, Rajang, Iodrome, Yian Kut-Ku, Gypceros, Purple Gypceros, Rathian, Gravios, Black Gravios, Tigrex, Tigrex Subspecies, Garara Ajara, Goa Magara, Deviljho.
Generation: Fourth

The Primeval Forest is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It is a lush environment that features thick forested areas as well as expansive, marshy lowlands. A major feature of this area is a massive skeleton of a dragon-like monster draped over a large bluff. This area is inhabited by a variety of monsters, such as Congalala, Rathian, and Garara Ajara.


Monster Hunter 4 Primeval Forest 1

Monster Hunter 4 Primeval Forest 2

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field

Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field
Number of Area's: 10
Condition's: Unknown
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Kelbi, Aptonoth, Rhenoplos, Bnahabra, Altaroth, Kunchuu, Gargwa, Jaggi, Jaggia.
Big Monster's: Aruserutasu, Generu Serutasu, Kechawacha, Rajang, Great Jaggi, Gypceros, Rathalos, Rathian, Tigrex, Deviljho, Goa Magara.
Generation: Fourth

The Ruins Field is an area first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It features vast, wide open fields of yellow grass, rocky outcroppings, deciduous forested areas, and subterranean caves, with towering mountain peaks seen in the distance. This area is home to many species of monsters, such as Tigrex, Aruserutasu, Goa Magara, and many others. Hunters can take advantage of the uneven terrain to give themselves a height advantage over their target and gain the upper hand during battle. It is placed outside Unknown Sea of Trees and Great Desert.


Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field Viewed 1

Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field Viewed 2

Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field Viewed 3

Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field Viewed 4

Monster Hunter 4 Ruins Field Viewed 5

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Lava Island

Monster Hunter 4 Lava IslandName: Lava Island
Number of Area's: 2
Condition's: Unknown
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: None
Big Monster's: Akantor, Crimson Fatalis, Iodrome.
Generation: Fourth

The Lava Island is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It is an arena-like zone with only a single area, and plays host to both Akantor and Crimson Fatalis. It features craggy, rocky plates of various elevations, as well as flowing rivers of lava. A full moon can be seen aginst a clear sky, and an ocean is visible in the distance.


Monster Hunter 4 Lava Island 1

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Forbidden Grounds

Monster Hunter 4 Forbidden GroundsName: Forbidden Grounds
Number of Area's: 2
Condition's: Unknown
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: None
Big Monster's: Rajang, Shagaru Magara, Zinogre.
Generation: Fourth

The Forbidden Grounds is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It is an isolated, arena-like zone located among the Ruins Field. It is characterized by its rocky outcroppings, dark caves, and long, dry grass. This area is home to extremely powerful monsters such as Shagaru Magara and Rajang.


Monster Hunter 4 Forbidden Grounds 1

Monster Hunter 4 Forbidden Grounds 2 

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert

Monster Hunter 4 Great DesertName: Great Desert
Number of Area's: 2
Condition's: None
Main Resource's: None
Small Monster's: Delex, Remobra.
Big Monster's: Daren Mohran, Hallowed Jhen Mohran, Jhen Mohran.
Generation: Third

The Great Desert is a vast desert area with sand as far as the eye can see. It is home to the great Elder Dragon, Jhen Mohran and its subspecies, Hallowed Jhen Mohran and Daren Mohran. Delex and Remobra are the only small monsters that appear here.


Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert Base

Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert Cannon

Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert Front Ship

Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert Gong

Monster Hunter 4 Great Desert Ship

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Unknown Great Forest

Monster Hunter 4 Unknown Great ForestName: Unknown Great Forest
Number of Area's: Unknown
Condition's: Unknown
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Aptonoth, Conga, Gargwa, Genprey, Ioprey, Jaggi, Jaggia, Kelbi, Kunchuu, Rhenoplos, Slagtoth, Velociprey.
Big Monster's: Aruserutasu, Azure Rathalos, Basarios, Basarios Subspecies, Black Gravios, Blue Yian Kut-Ku, Brachydios, Congalala, Emerald Congalala, Garara Ajara, Gendrome, Generu Serutasu, Goa Magara, Gravios, Great Jaggi, Gypceros, Iodrome, Kechawacha, Khezu, Kirin, Kirin Subspecies, Kushala Daora, Nerusukyura, Pink Rathian, Purple Gypceros, Rajang, Rathalos, Rathian, Red Khezu, Shagaru Magara, Stygian Zinogre, Teostra, Tetsukabura, Tigrex, Tigrex Subspecies, Velocidrome, Yian Garuga, Yian Kut-Ku, Zinogre.
Generation: Fourth

The Unknown Great Forest is a forested area used for free-hunting introduced in Monster Hunter 4. Characterized by the massive ruins and architectural elements seen among the environment, this area appears to have been richly inhabited by humans at some point in its history. Now, however, the structures are ancient and crumbling, with thick overgrowth evident as nature continues to reclaim the area.

In its abandoned state, it is home to many wild monsters, such as Generu Serutasu, Velocidrome and Basarios. Hunters can use various architectural elements such as ledges and pillars to their advantage during combat with a large monster. Unlike all other areas in the Monster Hunter series, the layout of the Unknown Great Forest is randomized, with the monsters, items, and terrain changing each time it is entered.


Monster Hunter 4 Unknown Great Forest 1

Monster Hunter 4 Unknown Great Forest 2

Monster Hunter 4 Unknown Great Forest 3

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


Monster Hunter 4 Tower

Monster Hunter 4 TowerName: Tower
Number of Area's: 10
Condition's: None
Main Resource's: None
Small Monster's: Aptonoth, Giaprey, Great Thunderbug, Remobra, Shakalaka.
Big Monster's: Azure Rathalos, Berukyurosu, Espinas, Espinas Subspecies, Gold Rathian, Kirin, Kushala Daora, Lunastra, Pink Rathian, Rathalos, Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Teostra, Tigrex Rare Species, Unknown (Black Flying Wyvern), White Fatalis, Yama Tsukami, Zerureusu.
Generation: Second

The Tower Region is comprised of two main areas, the inside and the outside. The Tower itself is a crumbling structure that climbs beyond the clouds. It is believed that the tower was built using Kushala Daora materials, hence why you may find Decayed Dragon Scales when mining.


Monster Hunter 4 Tower 1

Monster Hunter 4 Tower 2

Monster Hunter 4 Tower 3

Monster Hunter 4 Tower 4

Monster Hunter 4 Tower 5

Monster Hunter 4 Tower Base 

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


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