Basarios Subspecies

Friday 1 November 2013

Basarios Subspecies is a Flying Wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It is known to inhabit forested areas and can be encountered in high rank only.
Basarios Subspecies
About Monster

Name: Basarios Subspecies
Species: Flying Wyvern
Element's: Fire | Poison
Ailment's: Sleep | Stun | Fire Blight
Weakness: Ice
Weakness Sign: Limping
Signature Move: Crystal Drop | Fire Beam
Habitat's: Unknown Great Forest
Size: ?
Generation: Fourth


These newly discovered subspecies of Basarios can be found in the Unknown Great Forest, hidden themselves among the rich, and dense forest, camouflaged like large chunk of mineral ores.

The most notable feature of these species of Basarios is the red crystals protuding from all over its back, suggesting the variation in its diet, as opposed to its rocky cousins. Their bodies are also heavily covered in moss, due to living in a deep forest that is rich in vegetation. While their appearance may be quite different from the normal species, their overall body structure and behavior are otherwise the same.


Just like the normal Basarios, their shells are made of several layers of rocks, and minerals, which make them very tough, and will repel almost all attacks. Apart from the usual melee attacks like the tail spin, body charge, and body slam, and various gas attacks which are pumped out from underneathe their body (such as fire gas, poison gas, and sleep gas}, and the ability to spew fireballs and shoot a fire beam from its mouth, the subspecies can attack in a similar fashion to the Barroth, by shaking its body furiously and scatter the red crystals from its back. Some of the red crystals may lodge themselves on the ground; they can be mined before shattering and disappear.


These rock beasts usually prefer to avoid conflict and hide themselves away in the scenery. However, if they are disturbed, they will become very aggressive and retaliate with full force, using their hardened body to ram into their enemies, as well as employing various gases and toxins. While most monsters tend to flee to rest back at their nests only when they are weakened enough; Basarios will almost always hide themselves away right after they have fled. While hidden underground, they will not initiate an attack, unless someone were to walk up to them, or being provoked.


Most Basarios dwell in dry and hot areas, with harsh climate like the volcanoes, or deep underground (usually where there are abundant of magma). However, these subspecies of Basarios seems to prefer making their homes in the deep forest, rich in nature and wildlife. Because of their nature to hide away, the Unknown Great Forest makes a perfect habitat for them, with its maze like structure and plenty of food source that comes in the form of minerals and ores. So far, these Basarios can only be found in the mentioned forest, and not anywhere else. Thus, making them one of the most elusive and rarest monsters around.


  • The red crystals that it scatters from its body can be mined for ores. Though, the hunter must hurry to do so, as the crystals will break after a short while.
  • It can get infected by Goa Magara's Feral Wyvern Virus.
  • Its back can be broken and mined for ores.
  • Once its back is broken, the next time a hunter rides on it, it will roll over and exposes its belly to the rider instead (and continue to do so, even after the belly has been broken).



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