
Friday 1 November 2013

Kunchuu is a Neopteron monster first introduced in Monster Hunter 4. They are found in a wide variety of areas, where they scavenge in the undergrowth in search of food. They have hard shells and can roll into a ball and attack in groups for protection, although they are still frequently preyed upon by Yian Kut-Ku and Yian Garuga. 

About Monster

Name: Kunchuu
Species: Neopteron
Element's: (?)
Ailment's: (?)
Weakness's: (?)
Weakness Sign: (?)
Signature Move: Attacking in Group | Rolling Charge
Habitat's: Ruins Field, 
Frozen Sea | Primeval Forest | Underground Cave | Underground Volcano | Unknown Great Forest
Size: (?)
Generation: Fourth


  • Like Altaroth, it can also climb on walls.
  • Unlike most other small Neopterons, Kunchuu don't break into pieces once killed and can be carved for materials. However, if Kunchuu are poisoned, their materials can't be carved.
  • Interestingly, Kunchuu are well known for gathering around kills made by other larger predators and sometimes swarm the predators, to scare them away from their kill.
  • A white and blue variant of Kunchuu can be found in the Frozen Sea, along with a red variant found in the Underground Cave/Underground Volcano and a mossy green variaint with whitish patches in the Heavenly Mountain .
  • Kunchuu will occasionally latch onto a larger monster to protect them from attacks.



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