
Friday 1 November 2013

Gargwa are Bird Wyverns that reside near the Misty Peaks. They are a food source for Zinogre, Rathian and other predators.
Gargwa have very small, likely vestigial wings. Like most species of Herbivore, they're normally docile creatures but will attack and flee when they're threatened. They coexist with the people of Yukumo village as livestock, but they have been known to attack Hunters from time to time.

Gargwa occasionally drop eggs when startled. The eggs dropped by the Gargwa can be picked up and carried to camp to be handed in at the Red Delivery box.

About Monster

Name: Gargwa
Species: Bird Wyvern
Element's: None
Ailment's: None
Weakness: Unknown
Weakness Sign: Fall Over
Signature Move: Peck
Habitat's: Misty PeaksRuins | FieldUnknown | Great Forest
Size: Small
Generation: Third


  • It appears to be a cross between real-life Ratites and Waterfowl.
  • Gargwa is omnivorous, eating both plants and insects.
  • Gargwa is often preyed upon by a range of creatures, from Rathian to Zinogre.When surprised Gargwa will either lay an egg before running off, or drop a shiny.
  • The Eggs can be carried back to the delivery chest.Normal eggs are worth 300 Farm points and 200 Zenny, and the rarer Golden eggs are worth 750 Farm points and 500 Zenny.
  • The Shiny object dropped can be either a Herb, Dung, Gargwa feather, or an Insect Husk.
  • Gargwa return in Monster Hunter 4.



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