
Friday 1 November 2013

A lemur-like Fanged Beast monster with large ears and uniquely adapted forelimbs and tail. It appears to inhabit forested areas, using the tree limbs and canopy to swing freely from place to place. Kechawacha can fold its ears over its face, forming a "mask" that is likely used to intimidate would-be attackers. It also sports a tube-like trunk and large, forward-facing eyes. It is also capable of shooting globs of mucus from its trunk-like nose that cause Waterblight to attack from a distance.

In the TGS 2012 trailer, it is shown that Kechawacha is able to glide using a membrane between its arms, legs, and tail, in a manner similar to a flying squirrel. This makes the Kechawacha the first Fanged Beast able to "fly". 

About Monster

Name: Kechawacha
Species: Fanged Beast
Element's: Water
Ailment's: Water Blight
Weakness: Fire | Thunder
Weakness Sign: Limping
Signature Move: Mucus Glob Shoot
Habitat's: Ruins Field | Underground Cave | Unknown Great Forest
Size: Gold ??
         Silver ??
Generation: Fourth


  • Kechawacha is the Urgent Quest to unlock 3 star quests.
  • When enraged, Kechawacha's large ears will fold and cover its face.
  • In this state, Kechawacha becomes much more aggresive and faster than ever, although it seems it doesn't aim its attacks as accurately.
  • Also while enraged, flash bombs and sonic bombs will not work on Kechawacha.
  • Its ears can be broken along with its claws and tail.
  • When low on stamina it will fail shooting its mucus globs.
  • Before leaving a area, Kechawacha will spread it's membrane and flap it two times fast and then fly.
  • Kechawacha has two long, barbed fingers on each hand and a barbed tail that aid in moving among vines and trees in its habitat, as well in combat.
  • Kechawacha can be affected by sonic bombs.
  • If you throw a sonic bomb while Kechawacha is hanging on a tree, Kechawacha will fall down.
  • Kechawacha first appears in the 2 star urgent village quest first and also appears in HR1 Guild Quests.
  • When low on stamina, Kechawacha can fly to another area to recover it.
  • It will also feed on Altaroth in Area 2 to recover stamina.
  • When near death, it will sleep upside down hanging on vines with it's tail in Area 9 of the Ruins Field. 
  • It can be infected by Goa Magara's Feral Wyvern Virus.

Kechawacha 1

Kechawacha 2



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