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Monster Hunter 2 Playstation 2

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Monster Hunter 2
Release Date: 16 February 2006 (Japan)
System: Playstation 2
Official Site: Official Website (Japanese)
Flagship Monster: Kushala Daora
Generation: Second
Monster First Appearing in This Game: Anteka, Blango, Blangonga, Bulldrome, Ceanataur, Chameleos, Conga, Congalala, Daimyo Hermitaur, Great Thunderbug, Hermitaur, Kushala Daora, Lunastra, Popo, Rajang, Remobra, Shen Gaoren, Shogun Ceanataur, Teostra, White Fatalis, Yama Tsukami.

Monster Hunter 2 Logo

Monster Hunter 2 Area's

Monster Hunter 2 Armor's

Monster Hunter 2 Combination List

Monster Hunter 2 Item List

Monster Hunter 2 Monster's

Monster Hunter 2 Weapon's

Monster Hunter 2 is the sequel of Monster Hunter. It was only released in Japan because the Monster Hunter series had only a small cult following elsewhere in the world, while being huge in Japan. New features include day and night changes, seasons, new monsters and new weapon types. Some of the new features carried over to its international portable installment and some leftovers of Monster Hunter 2 were later found in MHF2's English expansion, such as Yama Tsukami.

New Features

  • Able to use items while SNS is unsheathed.
  • Several combinations for the same combination result.
  • Some online items and ores from MH1 are available offline in MH2 (dragonite and firestone for example).
  • New Village (Jumbo Village).
  • New Town (Dondruma Town).
  • New Shops (such as the Combining shop, etc.).
  • Able to mine at the village cave by giving the miner pickaxes.
  • Minigames are added exclusively to the MH2 Village (Arm wrestling and Drinking).
  • Day and Night conditions affect specific enemy placement.
  • Player can pause the game (offline only).
  • Able to combine 3 items.
  • New Training school exclusive to the MH2 village.
  • New weapon upgrades and classes.
  • New armor improve system.
  • 1st Generation areas are now remade into 2nd Generation variants.
  • Additional areas are added (1st Tower, 2nd Tower and the Town area).
  • New Offline/Online Monsters.
  • Subquest objectives added to quests.
  • Upgradable hunter's house in Jumbo village.
  • Hunters can fish in the village.
  • Online-only versus mode (players hunt each other's monsters).
  • Real-time flow of day/night and season cycles.
  • USB connectivity with Monster Hunter Portable to unlock Yian Garuga for both MH2 and MHP.
  • New slot system to add skill point decorations to armor and weapons.
  • WANTED board offering increased payment for fulfilling WANTED conditions during quests.
  • The ability to name/label your registered armor sets.


Monster Hunter 2 did not see a North American release. However, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, an expansion of Monster Hunter 2, was able to make it to American shores.


Jumbo Village Chief: A middle-aged Wyverian with a backpack of brushes and scrolls. He provides Urgent Quests and travels around the village recording activities.

Crane Operator: A portly human who controls a wheelturn pulley crane. He offers hunters non-quest food items for the Felyne Kitchen by beating him at arm wrestling.

Pink Dress Wyverian: A tall, beautiful lady seen walking around the village. She provides Urgent Quests and a drinking game available only at night.

Female Blacksmith: An short, elderly Wyverian who forges weapons and armor. As the game progresses, she gains two apprentices and gives hunters the chance to meet the Legendary Blacksmith.

Legendary Blacksmith:  An short, elderly Wyverian who appear in the fully build armor shop. Providing an rare weapons & armours.

Bulter Felyne: A Tuxedo wearing Felyne appeared in the Hunter's home. Providing the early Felyne kitchen to the game.

Barber Felyne:  A Felyne with an Afro & Shades, he randomly appear checking the hunter's item box. Providing the Hunter with various Hairstyles.


There is no Kitchen in this game, but there is a Felyne who performs a similar function to the Felyne kitchen. It only cooks if you provide 2 non-quest consumable food, which you received from quest, win the minigames, or the upgraded town shops to get the status effect like any Felyne kitchen in the game.
The Day and Night switch happens in how long you stay in the village or previous quest. In town, there is a clock that guides on the coming day or night. Any Quest changes on which time you depart.
There are 3 seasons which changes every few times, the Breeding seaons, Hot seasons and Cold seasons. the hot season stops any quest involving the desert while cold season stops any cold mountain quests. And any quest affects the monsters location and gathering items in any of those seasons.

Kirin and Lao-Shan Lung became available offline, as Shen Gaoren, Azure Lao-Shan Lung, Rajang, Crimson Fatalis and White Fatalis are online exclusives. Fatalis also remains as an online-exclusive in this game.

Monster Hunter 4 3DS

Sunday 15 December 2013

Monster Hunter 4 3DS
Release Date: 14 September 2013 (Japan)
System: Nintendo 3DS
Official Site: Official Website (Japanese)
Flagship Monster: Goa Magara
Generation: Fourth
Monster's First Appearing in This Game: Aruserutasu | Basarios Subspecies | Dara Amadyura 
| Daren Mohran | Garara Ajara | Generu SerutasuGoa Magara | Kechawacha | Kirin Subspecies | Kunchuu | Nerusukyura | Shagaru Magara | Sukuagiru | Tetsukabura | Tigrex Rare Species | Zaboazagiru.
Weapon Type's Present in This Game: Bow | Charge Axe | Dual Sword | Great Sword | Gunlance | Hammer | Heavy Bowgun | Hunting Horn | Insect Staff | Lance | Switch Axe | Light Bowgun | Long Sword | Sword and Shield.
Monster Hunter 4

Monster Hunter 4 Area's 

Monster Hunter 4 Armor's 

Monster Hunter 4 Combination List 

Monster Hunter 4 Guild Quest's 

Monster Hunter 4 Monster's 

Monster Hunter 4 Village Quest's

Monster Hunter 4 is the latest release in the Monster Hunter series, developed by Capcom. It is the second game in the aforementioned series to be released on the Nintendo 3DS. Many updates and improvements have been made that set this sequel apart. There is a stronger emphasis on platforming than previously; walls can now be climbed more fluidly and in any direction, and for the first time Hunters can grab onto monsters and attack them. Environment are larger and occupy more vertical space, and the Feral Wyvern Virus mechanic makes many monsters more fearsome than ever. Various monsters from previous games return, most notably Rathalos, Rathian, Tigrex and Yian Kut-Ku - for a full list see MH4: Monsters. Two new weapon classes, the Insect Staff and Charge Axe, are also introduced in this game.

In an interview, it was stated that Capcom intended to put far more effort into adventure and storyline, and there will be a group of traveling caravans. Underwater battling will not be present, however.

New monsters include a mysterious black dragon named Goa Magara and an orange lemur-like Pelagus known as Kechawacha. In the TGS trailer, three new monsters were revealed. Nerusukyura, who uses webbing to cocoon the hunter,Tetsukabura, a large frog-like creature with huge tusks that dwells in moist areas, and a large Jhen Mohran-like beast known as Daren Mohran that inhabits the Great Desert. The February 2013 trailer also showcased a new armored snake-like monster known as Garara Ajara that seems to dwell in forests and a new giant serpentine-like monster that is similar to Raviente that will appear in this game,as seen in the third trailer.The Kushala Daora returns in this game along with Teostra. In another promotional video it was revealed that the Zinogre will be returning, along with Kirin.

Two new Weapon Classes are introduced in this game, one of them being the Insect Staff. This double-ended staff is capable of quick fluid attacks like the Long Sword, but it also is capable of summoning a large Neopteron that will drain energy from monsters to boost the Hunter (in terms of attack, health, speed or defense) and propelling the hunter into the air in a polearm fashion.

The second new weapon type is the Charge Axe, capable of transitioning between two different forms. Seemingly, it can be used as a large-scale Sword and Shield, or the blade and shield can be combined to form one large cutting weapon. It also appears to utilize different coatings and charged attacks.

Your hunting journey begins in a market town, known as Barubaré, where many travelers and their caravans get together to sell goods and gather information. Barubaré is also where you'll meet the leader, who will recruit you as a part of his caravan troupe and provide you with an Insect Staff as your very first weapon. Aside from the leader, the caravan crew consists of his assistants, who acts as the quest receptionist; a traveling merchant; a blacksmith with his apprentice daughter; and finally a cooking Felyne. They'll help you every step of the way with their specialized skills, as you travel from land to land.

The second village is called Naguri Village, which is an underground village populated by a tribe of mole-like people. It's volcanic surroundings make an ideal place for blacksmiths to create their finest work.

There will be several villages other than the two revealed so far, which players will be able to visit upon completing certain quests and advancing in the game. These villages will have their own unique looks and characters.

Every new destination also means more unlocked features from the rest of your caravan members. Additionally, players will freely be able to return to any previous villages at any given time in the game.

The release of Monster Hunter 4 was delayed. The reason to postpone the release was made on the basis that further quality enhancements would be needed to meet fan expectations. Monster Hunter 4 eventually released in Japan on September 14, 2013.


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