
Friday 1 November 2013

Delex are small Piscine Wyverns that are fish-like in appearance, sporting long dorsal fins and reptilian-like snouts lined with sharp teeth. They have, like the Cephalos, the ability to "swim" through sand and even expel small sand blasts from their mouth at attackers. These blasts may occasionally inflict Waterblight.
DelexDue to their nimbleness they are difficult to hit with slower weapons. Several appear in the fight with Jhen Mohran, jumping onto the boat and attacking Hunters that get in their way. Delex hunt in small groups of six or seven individuals and likely prey upon small animals. They also scavenge off the remains left by larger desert-dwelling monsters, such as Jhen Mohran.

About Monster

Name: Delex
Species: Piscine Wyvern
Element's: None
Ailment's: Water Blight (Sand Spit)
Weakness's: Water | Ice
Weakness Sign: None
Signature Move: Sand Spit | Bite
Habitat's: Sandy Plains | Great Desert
Size: Small
Generation: Third



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