Monster Hunter 4 Underground Volcano

Saturday 2 November 2013

Monster Hunter 4 Underground VolcanoName: Underground Volcano
Number of Area's: 10
Condition's: Extreme Heat, Lava Geysers
Main Resource's: Unknown
Small Monster's: Altaroth, Kelbi, Ioprey, Renophlos, Slagtoth.
Big Monster's: Azure Rathalos, Basarios, Black Gravios, Brachydios, Deviljho, Gravios, Iodrome, Rathalos, Stygian Zinogre, Teostra, Tetsukabura, Tigrex Subspecies.
Generation: Fourth

The Underground Volcano is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 4. It consists of an active volcano and the surrounding area is the Underground Cave after the dormant volcano becomes active and erupts. The main feature that sets the 4th Generation Volcano apart from the others is that most of the area is primarily underground. The "Mole Tribe" people apparently visit the Underground Volcano quite often, as such, they have vast knowledge of the area and its hazards.


Monster Hunter 4 Underground Volcano 1

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Volcano 2

Monster Hunter 4 Underground Volcano 3

Monster Hunter 4 Area's


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