
Friday 1 November 2013

Bnahabra are flying Neopteron monsters introduced in the 3rd generation. They are similar to the Vespoid from previous generations. Bnahabra fly in a similar fashion and can also cause paralysis with their stingers. But, unlike the Vespoids, they can shoot a corrosive liquid which will reduce a hunter's elemental resistance to Fire, Water, Ice, or Thunder depending on the region. There are various subspecies of the Bnahabra which, again, vary between the regions. Each have distinctly colored wings. Bnahabra are often seen attached to the sides of the walls seemingly lifeless, until a hunter is close enough - then they fly away or attack.

  • Bnahabra's spit attack effect differs depending on the environment. In the Volcano, it causes -30 fire resistance. In the Tundra, it causes -30 ice resistance. In the Sandy Plains, it causes -30 Water resistance.
  • Bnahabra are attracted to torches.
  • Like other Neopterons, Bnahabra will usually break apart if killed, but if they die from poison they will leave a carve-able body. However, it is possible to kill them with a weapon and leave a carve-able corpse but this is very rare.
  • Players can obtain a 1* Rare Trade (called a "Queen's Needle") item by killing enough large Bnahabra in Moga Woods.
  • Bnahabra can be stunned. Happens very rarily. 
  • Bnahabra will commonly cause reel damage to large monsters. It is hard to notice their small bodies on a large monster, but they commonly attack large monsters in the area. It is unknown if they can paralyze a monster.

About Monster

Name: Bnahabra
Species: Neopteron
Element's: None
Ailment's: Defense Down | Paralysis
Weakness: Fire
Weakness Sign: None
Signature Move: None
Habitat's: Island | Flooded Forest | Sandy Plains | Tundra | Volcano | Misty Peaks | Underground Cave | Ruins Field | Frozen Sea
Size: Small
Generation: Third



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