
Friday 1 November 2013

Sukuagiru is an Amphibian monster introduced in Monster Hunter 4 and is the juvenile form of Zaboazagiru. It is a small, shark-like creature whose relatively large mouth houses many rows of teeth. 
Sukuagiru have been sighted in a number of different stages of development, with some having fully developed legs, while others slide on their bellies. During battle Sukuagiru can grow larger when it ingests bodily fluids. These fluids also allow Sukuagirus to grow legs if they are ingested by the individuals without limbs.

About Monster

Name: Sukuagiru
Species: Amphibian
Element's: None
Ailment's: Life Drain
Weakness's: Fire
Weakness Sign: None
Signature Move: None
Habitat's: Frozen Sea
Size: Small
Generation: Fourth


  • Sukuagirus are capable of shooting a globular substance out of their mouths that inflicts Iceblight. This seems to be similar to the substance Zaboazagirus use in order to cover their upper bodies in ice.
  • Similar to Giggi, Sukuagiru will latch onto hunters and suck on their body fluids to develop legs and grow bigger.



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